10 Tips For College Students To Stay Fit

With classes and studying, it can be hard to find time to be active.  Even if you only get the chance to exercise for a short period of time, it's important!  Follow these tips below to help you stay active on campus.

  1. Walk or Bike To Class - If you live close enough, make time to avoid taking the bus and walk or bike yourself to campus.

  2. Take the Stairs - Avoid elevators and take the stairs whenever possible, it all adds up!

  3. Join a Sport - Find a sport that interest you and play it during your spare time.

  4. Join an Intramural Team - Most colleges offer different activities beyond the standard basketball or baseball like ultimate Frisbee and bowling.  Find a sport that interest you.

  5. Hit the Gym! - Make use of your schools recreational center.  Try to vary your routine each time to avoid boredom.

  6. Be Active with Friends - Go for walk, hike or bike ride with friends on or around campus.

  7. Take a Fitness Class - Almost all universities offer a wide range of fitness classes for little or no charge.  Get out and join one!

  8. Fitness for Credit - Elective classes such as swimming are a great way to remain active and earn school credits at the same time.

  9. Sign Up for an Adventure Trip - Check your universities recreation website for any upcoming events such as whitewater rafting or hiking.

  10. Balance Calories - Keep track of what you eat and snack on daily.  Try to balance your calories on a daily basis.

For more information visit: http://www.choosemyplate.gov